
Hall of Shame: Sheriff Steve Bizzell - Johnston County, NC - Hates tacos and spaghetti

The sheriff has aimed racist remarks at the minority group that is only 11 percent of one of our region's neighboring counties, including charges that Hispanics "rape, rob and murder" Americans, dodge taxes, "breed like rabbits" and drain social services. Editorial, The Fayetteville Observer - 9.23.08


lassiter said...

Sheriff is absolutely right.I support Sheriff Bizzell. En EspaƱol:El sheriff tiene toda la razon, y lo apoyo .

Solo tienen que ir a los trailer parks donde viven los Hispanos y para ver lo sucios que son. O ir al Hospital local y ver que la mayoria de de los bebes nacidos son Hispanos, Esos Hispanos no pagan ni un centimo, Vayan a la Corte y veran como un 20% son Hispanos conduciendo ebrios, traficando en drogas o robando.
El sherif estaba hablando de la inmigracion ilegal, que es lo que el y sus diputados enfrentan diariamente. Los inmigrantes ilegales SON criminales desde el punto que cruzan la frontera ilegalmente, y luego lo compendian con el uso de falsos documentos, lo cual constituye una felonia.Asi es que el buen Sheriff no iba desencaminado.

Unknown said...

I have known the Sheriff a very long time and I am so proud of him. I am so tired of Mexicans coming here for free health care and welfare and when will I get mine. I have always worked and last year when I broke my arm I set in a Social Service office for 2 days to be told there was NOTHING available for me. Maybe if I had 10 kids and didn't have too pay taxes I could have at least got some food stamps!!! Go home to Mexico and let Americans get their own money that they contributed to SS and taxes. You people are nasty and stay drunk. THat's not racist-IT'S THE TRUTH!!!!

El Agente said...


If you want to write in Spanish please get your wording right and stop trying to insult people with a language you don’t even know. You need to educate your self a little bit more on how the Hispanic population helps the economy grow. I’ll give you and Mike “the food stamps guy” some facts to look at.

El Agente said...

Awww Mike didn’t get his food stamps hahaha

You were supposed to go to the social security office to get yous disability check you dummy.

Here are the facts:

“North Carolina’s rapidly growing population contributes more than $9 billion to the state’s economy though its purchases and taxes, while the net cost to the state budget (after Hispanic tax contributions) is an estimated $102 per Hispanic resident for health care, education, and corrections... Hispanic spending could increase to $18 billion by 2009”

Kasarda, J. D., Johnson, J. H., Jr., & Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute Of Private
Enterprise. (January 2006). Economic Impact. In The Economic Impact Of The Hispanic Population On The State Of North Carolina (pp. 20) [Brochure]. Chapel Hill, NC: Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise.

Who said Mexicans do not pay taxes?
If you have common sense you should know that every time you buy something you have to pay taxes. Mexicans pay taxes on their car, their house, the food they buy, and everything else they buy.

Madison said...

Hey, lassiter, I may not be fluent in Spanish, but I take it as a second language at my school and even I can tell without knowing exactly what all that means that you probably just typed all that crap into a free translater.

And, Mike, I'm currently writing an essay for my AP English class on immigration and let me just say that the majority of immigrants don't use food stamps. They have jobs, idiot. They come here to get jobs so they can feed their family not so they can sit around and live off food stamps.

Also, Mike, stop stereotyping all Hispanics into one catagory of drunk, non tax paying, poor people. NEWS FLASH: They're not! I know! It's a shocker! Now get off your high horse and stop being a freakin' racist.