Cops piece together chilling details of tragedy (Jessica Fargen, Boston Herald)
- Luke knocks on the door at 103 Clinton St. at 12:20 p.m., armed with a 9 mm gun and a backpack containing a hammer, two pairs of handcuffs, a mouth gag and blindfold. He is allegedly intent on killing 20-year-old Selma Goncalves, his former neighbor.
- Selma’s older sister answers the door. Luke allegedly pulls the 9 mm from his sweatshirt pocket and forces his way inside. He handcuffs the woman and allegedly rapes her for
20 to 25 minutes.
- Selma returns home and bangs on the door.
- Luke gets dressed, grabs his gun and answers the door. He tries to pull Selma inside, but she resists and runs away.
- He allegedly shoots her several times in the back as she flees.
- Selma’s sister is kneeling on the floor, holding a large, stuffed white teddy bear. Luke allegedly fires several times and bullets rip through the teddy bear and into the woman’s chest.
- Selma runs outside and collapses.
- Luke retreats to his black van, parked outside, and reloads.
- He leans out the window and allegedly fires three to four shots at a “non-white” man who is tending to Selma before he speeds off.
- Luke sees a 72-year-old homeless man pushing a carriage on Clinton Street and pulls over. He walks up to the man and allegedly shoots him point-blank in the face as the man holds up his hand to protect himself. He allegedly shoots the man again in the back as he flees.
- Luke continues to drive down the street, allegedly looking for other non-whites to kill as a police chase ensues. He allegedly shoots at two police officers before crashing into several cars. He flees on foot.
- He tries to cock the gun as he runs before lying down on East Ashland Street and surrendering.
Photo series - BostonHerald
Video: Murder Scene 1 - 1/23/09
Video: Capture Scene - 1/23/09
Video of DA Timonthy Cruz' press conference 1/23/09
Video: Arraignment - 1/24/09
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Cops piece together chilling details of tragedy
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Prosecutor: Brockton suspect planned ‘mass murder’
Keith Luke Tried to Save the White Race
Accused Gunman Targeted 'Non-Whites,' Jews In Spree
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Video: Brockton's Rabbi Joshua Cohen Speaks Out Against Hate
I found it interesting that the day you posted this story, I could not find any mention of it in either the LA Times or Chicago Tribune, two major metropolitan papers.
I've sent this post link on to several people who I knew would find it of interest.
Dear Gerry and Tamale Chica :
Thanks a lot for your wonderful website, and excellent information that I have to read frequently to inspire myself to write and think.
As "Tamale Chica" says I have seen the same phenomenon of SUPER SILENCE, each time that a Latino is attacked.
Wilter Sanchez was brutally attacked and had many broken bones in face and skull. He is in Hospital awaiting many surgeries and interventions to repair a totally disfigure face.
He was attacked by several thugs with baseball bats ( January 2009 ). And the thugs attempted to run a car over him. Racial Slurs and Insults.
The English Speaking Press has been almost completely silent, save a few latinos like you an me that publish in English.
Meanwhile there are many Spanish Language videos of the victim in the Hospital, and many websites in Spanish giving detailed information.
I have a site that pursues this Brutal acts of Racist Coward Gangs. I follow the informations relentlessly, constantly, continuously, without pause.
If the English Language Press does not want to inform. Then we will inform in our Blogs.
By the way, friends, I receive dozens of letters of people that complain that I do not inform of a rape of a White Woman by a Latino.
Or complaints about a Mexican Drunk Driver that ran over a White Kid.
But I send them to Hell.
Vicente Duque
Big News - Breaking News
Police has finally arrested the Terrorists that killed Jose Osvaldo Sucuzhanay on December 2008, in Brooklyn, New York City.
The Sucuzhanay family deserves admiration for its relentless fight for Justice.
And also the bloggers like "Ya Basta" Because Gerry Vazquez has fought for Justice.
I have gathered some Information and will continue posting Photos, Videos, etc ...
Here :
Vicente Duque
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