'Hispanics' says racist baiter extraordinaire Patrick Buchanan are the biggest threat to the survival of the United States of America. We're a bigger threat, he warns, than even those dastardly Muslims in the Iraq and Kabul.

Question: We know why FOX keeps a stable of racists pontificators, but what's MSNBC's deal? Why possible good does it do MSNBC and its parent company GE to provide this very sick and harmful man on pay and airtime?
I will say though that at least Buchanan is an 'honest' racist. Unlike his brothers-in-hate, Lou Dobbs, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and Rushbo, Buchanan doesn't pretend that his deep anti-Latino animus is really just concern about "illegal" immigration.
But again, doesn't MSNBC have professional journalistic standards regarding who they put on the air? If not, I hear that David Dukes would love a slot.
Sidebar: Buchanan was a pr flack for disgraced President 'Tricky' Dick Nixon--a documented racist as well--who's administration is credited with originating the label Hispanic.
As Bill Santiago says about Hispanic, "It has that word 'panic in it". He adds, "It's more of a warning label than an ethnic category. It sounds too much like Titanic, Satanic, Mechanic!"
Estadounidenses of Latin American heritage, how about a more authentic descriptor? I prefer Latino -- although Americano is intriguing. No? ;)
Prefers "Latino," huh?
The Latins were an ancient Italic people of the Latium region in central Italy, (Latium Vetus - Old Latium).
This would make ANYONE who came from Europe a "Latino." Yes even the British Isles because the Latins occupied the area for about 450 years. 1500 years before Spain started colonizing the Americas.
The Injuries and wounds of Pastor Steven Anderson by Border Patrol in Arizona.
A Nice and Kind Baptist Pastor Beaten, Tormented, Tortured and Injured by Border Police while driving from San Diego to Phoenix.
His church has been very kind to Latinos, helping them with Spanish Language Sermons and Classes. He is a noble guy. I did some research on this man and his church, they integrate people to American life.
The pastor was tortured, tormented, steped on, injured with broken glass, etc ...
Does Steven Anderson look Latino or Mexican ??
No, he is a crew cut blond anglo, a law abiding American Citizen.
See many videos in YouTube.
Or in my site RACIALITY.COM where I am also building a beautiful Encyclopedia of ArchaeoGenetics, Archeology, ArchaeoMythology, etc ... to fight ignorance, imbecility and stupidity.
Vicente Duque
I think you mean your communist site.
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