Yep, Nada! Zippo!
Our reasons for inaction are, of course, pathetic. For example, one man's excuse was that the victim wasn't bleeding enough. Really! Another--a Latino--feared that the gang would target him. But even a group of young men chose to do shuffle away -- shoulders slumped in apparent shame.
Redeeming humanity were a few valiant individuals. Some called 911 as they watched from a distance. But a few took direct action. One was a solidly built African American man took immediate action to stop the violence by taking on the thugs. He told Quiñones he simply couldn't let happen to others what had once happened to him.
Another hero was a Latina who jumped out of her SUV, putting her small frame between the thugs and victim. A third was again a woman who sought to comfort the victim with a hug and a prayer.
Watching the bravery and compassion of the heroes was very touching -- they are very special people. But knowing most would do nothing to stop a racist gang attack on a Latino immigrant is very disturbing.
Gerry :
Thanks for your articles that inspire us for Humanity, Kindness, Humane Behaviour, etc ...
Certainly we need to take courage and leave our cowardice behind. Not to do harm but to cure and heal.
I am a very frequent visitor of your pages. Thanks !
The Games that PostRacists constantly play
The simplistic simpleton mind of PostRacists and their foolish Hate
PostRacists constantly play these games in Forums, Comments, and in Practical Everyday Life.
1) The Blame the Victim Game
2) The "This happens everywhere" game
3) The "Your country of Origin is Filth and Dirt" game
4) The "You would be as means as we are" game
5) The Racial Mythic Game
1) The Blame the Victim Game
This is also played in many cases of Raped Women, "Why are you so enticing ?", "Why are you so gorgeous ?", "Why did you dress like that ?" ... You attracted the perpetrator and authorized him.
In the Case of PostRacism, the Racist blames all the Organizations that defend Human Rights, of Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Victims, etc ... All these organizations are called "Racists" for defending their ethnics and trying to give importance to the culture of these "Races" or People. It is necessary to attack these "Human Rights" organizations, that only defend Kindness and Humanity.
2) The "This happens everywhere" game
This is sheer ignorance. Since the Racist is just an Ignorant Fool, then he assumes about Lands that he doesn't know or that only knows by the negative bias of the Racist Media.
3) The "Your country of Origin is Filth and Dirt" game
This is the same ignorance as in case Number 2. The racist is extremely ignorant and uncultured. He is also very limited in understanding and mind, almost idiotic in his incapacity, he is unable to appreciate others.
4) The "You would be as means as we are" game
This is sheer Freudian Projection.
5) The Racial Mythic Game
That is what I dispel and attack in my pages. Science reduces those Racist Myths to the sheer Imbecility and Fantasy that they are.
Needless to say that in many cases Racism springs from Inferiority Complexes and Inadequacies, from the Dysfunctional Family, from abused childhood, from the failed lives of LOSERS. Or from business needs, the need to earn a lot of money deceiving millions of fools as we see everyday in Television.
Blame others for your miserable life.
Vicente Duque
Raciality? Get serious. That site has communism written all over it.
Let's Demonstrate on May First for Kindness and Justice - But NO Latino Machos in Demonstrations Please ! - Let's be Peaceful !
Let's Demonstrate on May First of 2009 with Prudence, Caution and Wisdom. But do not push for Impossible Legislative Agendas that would destroy Mr Obama. And let's be peaceful.
The Democratic Party is larger than just the Latino Component. There are Blacks, Asians, Native Americans, the Educated Whites, the Many Millions of Noble Whites, the Millions of Kind White People, The Intelligent White People and others. There are many more millions than the Latinos, and do not forget those that dislike Religious Extremism and Christian Talibans.
The United States is larger than the Democratic Party and the Latinos combined.
And the World is larger than the USA.
So I would love to see "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" ( the CIR ) because it is Humane, Kind, Natural, and good for the U. S. Economy.
But given the Level of Hate, Sadism and Brutality The CIR is a dangerous proposition, project or bill to send to Congress.
But for the Good of All People of America and the World, I hope that Mr Obama does not send that bill to Congress.
Because then Mr Obama and his party would fall in a trap or quagmire. The Republicans would be the happiest with all the Racists and Scoundrels activated and energized.
Mr Obama would give a banner to a Republican Party that is in Extreme Ideological Poverty, Absolute Povery of Ideas.
What is better than to have a "Common Enemy", and "Enemy of America" in Latinos.
To revive all the Forces of Scoundrels, to Energize haters.
The best beneficiaries would be the TV Merchants of Hate and TV Peddlers of Fear.
Their audiences, ratings and earnings would immediately increase.
Hate and Fear are powerful forces.
Mr Obama would paralyze Congress and Legislation and even his administration with this imprudent project.
And the Whole World would suffer from an America that is paralyzed by stupid and imbecile haters. And we would harm the legislative agendas of Blacks, Asians, Native Americans and many millions of Kind and Noble Whites.
I am posting videos of May First marches to encourage people, but I am also advising moderation, prudence, caution, calm, and wisdom.
And avoid confrontations with scoundrels. First the security of Women, Children and the Old.
No Latino Machos in Demonstrations Please !
Vicente Duque
Yes, we need comprehensive immigration reform.
Halt ALL immigration. I am sick to death of the whole freaking planet immigrating into my small country.
It's full up!
It's time you people start standing on your own two feet and create your own successful countries! Stop being lazy and sponging off others success!
Gerry :
I am aware that the trials against Racial Murderers and Right Wing Extremists that kill should be decided by a Jury with the Help of Judges, Prosecutors, Defense Lawyers, District Attorneys and Representatives of the "People" and that they should not be pressed or pressured. But I congratulate you for your fight for Kindness and Friendliness among Races, and for your excellent information that I read everyday.
But it is a good thing that Latinos, Blacks, Immigrants, Asians, Native Americans and many others go Tomorrow May 1st to Demonstrations.
Many Nice and Kind White People can also go to demonstrate for the Kindness and Friendship to Minorities. And a Rejection to Hatred, Racism, Sadism and Brutality.
Even White Policemen are threatened by this Huge Tsunami of Right Wing Extremism, Racism and Violence. If I was the wife of a White Policemen then I would demonstrate with the Minorities and Latinos.
I would also adise to the Demonstrators to be Peaceful, Calmed, Moderate in their Demands or Petitions, to be Polite, Tranquil, Prudent, etc ...
And to have a lot of Caution, so as not to enrage the Lunatic Fringe of Racists and Haters. Do not respond to their insults, slurs, epithets, or whatever yelling of obscenities.
These Racists are poor Failed Lives, Poor Losers, Poor Boxes of Inferiority Complexes and Inadequacies, the troubled sons of dysfunctional families.
Why endanger the life or integrity of a child, woman or old folks answering to these scoundrels. ??
Demonstrators, Be quiet and polite please !, and shut up your mouths in the face of Bastardy !
Vicente Duque
You are one pathetic person. Only racist around here is you.
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