The Vera Institute of Justice found 322 people with citizenship claims in 13 immigration prisons in 2007, up from 129 the year before. At this rate of error, ICE could be jailing and deporting as many as 75,000 U.S. citizens, many of them children and most Latino.
As the brother of one poor soul who was picked up in California and dumped in a Mexican border city until he was rescued three months later:
"It doesn't matter whether you are a citizen or not. If you look Hispanic, they can question you. Deportation can happen to anybody."
Where's the equal protection guaranty for Latino citizens? Where in the U.S. Constitution does it say 'except for Latinos'?
Also, imagine for one instance the outcry if federal blackboots were stealing away Canadian American children, mothers and fathers, forcing them into concentration camps, denying access to counsel or due process, and then deporting them to a foreign land where they're left to beg in the streets for help?
No way that would happen today to Canadians in America. It also wouldn't happen to German Americans, Irish Americans, nor to most other Americans, so why is it allowed to happen to Latino Americans?
Why no public outcry? No government apologizes? No changes in policies? Only denials, pathetic excuses and more of the same.
Links: Citizens held as illegal immigrants
US Citizens sent to immigration jails
Stop the Deportations and Other Abuses
AP photo: American Pedro Guzman was wrongly imprisoned, denied his citizenship rights and then deported to Mexico.
A few days ago I had lunch with a friend of the family, a third generation American of Japanese descent. She loves all things Mexican, and said that if she could be any other race other than her own, she would choose to be Mexican.
I looked at her and said, "You know how the Japanese Americans have been treated in this country since the 1800's? Well, this is how the Mexican Americans here are being treated." We exchanged sorrowful looks.
You probably all ready saw this well written article in the LA Times:
Well Chica, you and other are naturally confused because the the "race" cards pull pulled.
Mexican is a nationality, not a race.
And any of you never heard of "Squeaky wheel gets the grease?"
I am sure if a human tsunami of Canadians were flooding across the border in hoards like Mexicans, I am sure there would be a crack down on them too.
Thanks Gerry for these Snapshots or Glimpses of Life for some Human Beings.
Kick Out the Latinos - The War against Youth and Hard Work
The President of the United States Mr Obama said that Education is extremely important to compete against the Future Super Powers of the Economy like China and India. He said that in a Speech at the University of Georgetown in Mid April of 2009.
China and India are Powerhouses of Education with millions of students in Science and Engineering.
But there are irrational people inside the USA, these irrationals are waging a war on Latinos, but Latinos represent Youth, an Ethnic of Youth.
Latinos are also an Ethnic of People that want to ascend in life by hard work, not by gifts but by hard work. They are not asking for a free lunch, they don't expect it and there are many people that reject them and turn them down.
No free lunch from Racists and Haters, not even a smile of a word. Just an Ocean of Unkindness.
So these irrational haters want a war against Youth and Hard Work.
The future of a country is in the Young Demography, not in old people in Geriatric Homes or Asylums for the Old.
The Future of a country is not in Gerontology but in Pediatry and School Teachers caring for children. Demography is Destiny said August Comte, the father of Sociology.
And Pediatrics could have a lot of customers or clients in Latino Children during these present times.
Expel those children, Evict them, dislodge and dispossess their families, Kick those children out of the USA.
And teachers will lose their best customers and clients. Pediatrics will lose its clientele.
And Universities and Colleges will be half empty in a few years, not in total vacuum, but with a lot of empty classrooms or seats.
And the Future will be killed in the Altar of Prejudice, Myth and Unkindness.
Vicente Duque
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